Sandra Berry
Senior Behavioral Scientist; Senior Director, Survey Research Group
Sandra Berry is an adjunct behavioral and social scientist at the RAND Corporation and senior director of the Survey Research Group. She teaches courses on research design and methods for the Clinical Scholars Program at UCLA. She is a member of RAND’s Human Subjects Protection Committee which ensures ethical treatment of RAND research participants and compliance with regulations governing research with human subjects. She specializes in evaluation of mental health prevention and early interventions programs in California and rigorous studies of rare or hard-to-study groups such as women with BPS/IC symptoms, HIV patients, adolescents, and gay men and lesbians in the U.S. military. She has worked on the MOS study which developed many commonly used quality of life measures (including the SF-36); HCSUS, a national probability sample study of HIV U.S. adults in care; and a national study of costs of care for patients enrolled in government-sponsored clinical trials. Her work included measurement of functional issues in low vision, effects of media exposure on adolescent sexual risk behavior, home caregiving for end-stage pulmonary and heart patients, and long-range decisionmaking by public officials on topics where there is deep uncertainty. She has been a member of the DHHS Secretary's Advisory Committee on Human Research Protections and has been a methodological advisor on statistical and data collection methods to the U.S. Census, the Centers for Disease Control, and several National Academy of Science panels. Berry received her M.A. in sociology from UCLA.
Education and Degree(s)
- M.A. in sociology, University of California, Los Angeles; B.A. in American Studies/Art History, Goucher College
Berry SH, Gunn PP "Conducting research on vulnerable and stigmatized populations," in Tourangeau R, Edwards B, Johnson TP, Bates N, Wolter KM (Eds.) , Hard-to-Survey Populations , Cambridge University Press, 2014
Berry SH, Elliott, M.N., Suttorp, M.J., Bogart, L.M., Stoto, M.A., Eggers, P., Nyberg, L. and Clemens, J.Q. , "Prevalence of Symptoms of Bladder Pain Syndrome/Interstitial Cystitis Among Adult Females in the U.S.," Journal of Urology, 2011
Berry SH, Bogart LM, Pham C, Liu K, Nyberg L, Stoto M, Suttorp M, Clemens JQ, "Development, validation and testing of an epidemiological case definition of interstitial cystitis/painful bladder syndrome," The Journal of Urology , 2010
Lever J, Kanouse DE, Berry SH, "Racial and ethnic segmentation of female prostitution in Los Angeles County," Journal of Psychology and Human Sexuality, 2005
Berry SH, Mangione CM, Lindblad AS, McDonnell PJ , "Development of the National Eye Institute Refractive Error Correction Quality of Life Questionnaire," Opthalmology, 2003
Schuster MA, Stein BD, Jaycox L, Collins RL, Marshall GN, Elliott MNN, Zhou AJ, Kanouse DE, Morrison JL, Berry SH, "A national survey of stress reactions after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks," New England Journal of Medicine, 2001
Bozzette SA, Berry SH, DuanN., Frankel, M.R., Leibowitz, A.A., Lefkowitz, D., Emmons, C.A., Senterfitt, JW, Berk ML, Morton SC, Shapiro MF , "The care of HIV-infected adults in the United States," New England Journal of Medicine, 1998
Berry SH et al, CMS Innovation Center Health Care Innovation Awards: Evaluation Plan, RAND (RR-376), 2013